the correct answer is a, Quel
To further the plot of the show. Honestly, I am hoping that in season two they finally figure out each other's identities because this is getting ridiculous. I'm hoping the reason Marinette and Adrian can't tell each other's identities has to do with the magic of the miraculous. So that you would only know the other person's identity if they told you. Otherwise it wouldn't really make sense how they (and the rest of Paris) couldn't put the clues together.
Nous nous baignons dans la mer bleue.
Voici un portrait du roi d'Angleterre.
Tu traverses la place du marché.
J'ai reçu la visite de mon oncle hier au soir.
Demain, nous irons au musée Grévin.
On voit la tour Eiffel de très loin.
A) Elle est comment, Pauline?
B) Elle est serieuse?
C) Non, elle est marrante.
D) Elle n'est ni grande ni petite