The war ended on November 11, 1918, and America's economic boom quickly faded. Factories began to ramp down production lines in the summer of 1918, leading to job losses and fewer opportunities for returning soldiers. This led to a short recession in 1918–19, followed by a stronger one in 1920–21
Congress attempt to provide a legal basis for its authority
German declaration of Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Telegrams
In stateless societies, the elderly of each lineage were responsible for resolving disputes between lineages or individuals through practices in which the entire community was involved. Meetings were held in which both sides exposed their positions and perceptions of the conflict situation in front of the entire community.
Taking into account the knowledge that the experience gives, the elderly have legitimacy to make judgments of the events that have occurred and it is through consensus that it is established what will be done. There is a tendency for people to adhere to the positions of the elderly because they are considered wise and relevant.