Option D, the belief that Clay supported Adams in return for becoming secretary of state
In the election of 1824, none of the candidates was successful in getting majority votes due to which the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams. It is believed that Clay convinced the House of Representatives to elect Adams. Later, Adams selected Clay as the Secretary of State. This setting of clay and Adams appeared as a "corrupt bargain" to the supporters of Jackson
Hence, option D is correct
In July 1940, just weeks after the German conquest of France and the Low Countries, Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union<span>within the following year. On December 18, 1940, he signed Directive 21 (code-named Operation "Barbarossa"), the first operational order for the invasion of the </span>Soviet Union<span>.</span>
In Nazi Germany, anti-Semitism reached a racial dimension never before experienced.
What is Anti-Semitism? Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. The term is especially inappropriate as a label for the anti-Jewish prejudices, statements, or actions of Arabs or other Semites. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.
D Indian
The Byzantine Empire blends Greek culture with all of the following cultures except Indian. I don't really know how to explain this... it just is.
1. Religious Freedom
From around 1680, large numbers of settlers began arriving to the middle colonies. Many were members of Protestant sects that were looking for freedom of religion and cheap land. Presbyterian settlers from North England, Scotland and Ulster were fleeing religious persecution. Some French Huguenots and Germans were also present.
2. to be close to industrial jobs.
Most immigrants from 1850 to 1930 settled in cities in order to be closer to industrial jobs. They made up the bulk of the U.S. industrial labor pool, giving rise to industries such as steel, coal, automotive, textile and garment production.
3. European protestants.
The first era of immigration to the United States brought mainly Northern European, protestant immigrants, primarily of British, German and Dutch extraction. Over 90% of these immigrants became farmers.
4. Immigrants left Ellis Island within hours; immigrants often remained at Angel Island for weeks.
Angel Island Immigration Station was located in the San Francisco Bay, and it operated from 1910-1940. Immigrants entering the United States here were detained and interrogated. Most immigrants were from China, Japan, India, the Phillipines and Mexico. The length of time they were detained for could often last for months. This was very different from Ellis Island, where the regulation was much more relaxed, and often lasted only hours.