In terms of the Mexican War, many of the opponents knew (and were right) that it was mainly just a war of conquest waged by President Polk for land, and that this land would most likely become slave territory, which many saw as a moral and inherent evil.
The Spanish propagated a caste system which was dependent on racial origins.
This system determined the social ranking of Europeans, Native Americans, Africans, and people of mixed race in their colonies.
Recall that a caste system is one where ones social standing is determined at birth. In the case of the Spaniards, given that they had interbred with Europeans, Native Americans and Africans, the generation resulting from such interbreeding were categorised socially according to how much close genetically they were to the Spaniards. In other words, the more Spanish one was the higher one's class was in the society.
C. battle of wounded knee!