Case-sensitivity is inherently faster to parse (albeit only slightly) since it can compare character sequences directly without having to figure out which characters are equivalent to each other. It allows the implementer of a class/library to control how casing is used in the code.
complex formula in excel is which contain more than 1 mathematical operators . An order of mathematical operations are important to understand
there are different type of operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Text operators
- Operators reference
here Comparison operator is an example of complex formula . Comparison operator returns TRUE/FALSE it is use to compare two values
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal to
<= Less than or Equal to
Answer: Database design is the model created of data/information for any particular organization .the relation between the information and which data is to be stored is the most important factor for designing .These parameters are decided by the designer of the database.
After the decision of the designed the data is invoked in the database .The data representation in the theoretical manner is known as ontology.The classification and relation defining is the purpose of the database design.