To make the production and sale of alcohol illegal
They were kept hostage for 444 days
President of Confederacy Jefferson Davis
President of the Union Abraham Lincoln
Leader of Confederate army Robert E Lee
Leader of Union Army Ulysses S Grant
Lead Slaves to freedom Harriet Tubman
The answer is: The sea
Back then, the techology that exist to travel by sea was not as developed as it is today. If an empire decided to travel through the sea in order to do some conquests, that empire will risk several things, such as:
- Loss in directions
- The ships could be swallowed by harsh wheather in the middle of the sea
- It need a lot of resources to maintain the armies during the travel
A, B & C
The Apartheid Legislation (1850-1970) laws made it a criminal offence to breach the contract of employment. Desertion, insolence, drunkenness, negligence and strikes were also criminal offences. These were laws to enforce segregation. Universal suffrage on a non-racial basis was not possible untill at the end of Apartheid, in 1996.