Its B!
Lets say a brown bunny who usally lives in the forest, has to move to the artic. The bunny would adapt by turning its skin white, to keep it warm from the cold and to blend in from predators. This enhances the bunnys survival in the artic!
Hope this helped!
sepals protect inner floral leaves in bud stage of the flower, carry out photosynthesis, attract animal pollinators when petaloid (have same color with petals eg in pride of barbados)
Sodium Chloride (table salt)
While there are probably many different types of salt in all seawater, the type that we see most is just classic table salt (NaCl)
Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as spongs. They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals. These are primitive multicellular animals and have cellular level of organization (lacks tissues). These Organisms (belonging to phylum Porifera) lacks most of the structures that are present in multicellular organisms like digestive system, respiratory system, Brain etc
Body of Spongs are made up of spicules or spongin fibers and these organism contain a water canal system which helps them in digestion, reproduction and catching their food in marine habitat.