They diminished the quantity of votes expected to end a filibuster in the Senate. Filibusters were especially valuable to Southern representatives who tried to piece social equality enactment, including hostile to lynching enactment, until the point that cloture was summoned following a 60 day delay against the Civil Right Act of 1964. In 1975, the Senate lessened the quantity of votes required for cloture from 66% to three-fifths, or 60 of the present one hundred congresspersons.
The government of the Byzantine Empire was held by the emperor. He ( and sometimes "She") was the absolute monarch, commander in chief of the army and also head of the Church.
As head of the Church, the emperor could appoint or dismiss the most important ecclesiastical role in the empire, the Patriarch or bishop of Constantinople. Plus, the emperor was regarded as having been chosen by God to rule for the good of the people.
Limits food, medicine production
As the world's population continues to grow, competition for land and water resources to produce food, energy and housing is fierce. We need a wide variety of animal and plant life for adequate human nutrition so that populations are neither malnourished nor obese.
Originally it was the Slavs and then the Vikings came along and took over
Feudalism is the denomination of the predominant political system in Western Europe of the middle centuries of the Middle Ages (between the 9th and 15th centuries), and in Eastern Europe during the Modern Age, characterized by the decentralization of political power; based on the diffusion of power from the top (where in theory were the emperor or kings) to the base where local power was exercised effectively with great autonomy and independence by an aristocracy, called nobility.