With CIDR (Common Internet Domain Routing), the first decimal number isn't important any more. The /24 netmask means that there's one octet (256) numbers that aren't part of the network number. The .0 address is the network number itself and .255 is the broadcast address of the network, so that leaves 254 available node numbers, but one of those has to be a router or else the machines can't communicate with other networks.
More students are affected by cyberbullying than not affected.
I got it correct on Edgenuity 2020.
The answer to your question is to click on the button with the square on the window options ribbon.
When pasting an existing chart into a Word document, you can choose to control how text appears when you paste it using the Paste Options button. <span>The </span>Paste Options<span> button enables you to decide whether you want to paste the data as you originally copied it, or to change the style so that it fits the style of the document into which you are pasting the data, or to apply specific characteristics to the data, based on the content.</span>