With the end of the Civil War came a great transition into a mechanized and factory-based economy, which took workers away from the farms and put them into the factories. Many people saw this is corporate great, which was in some ways true--this led to the formation of many unions and workers organizations.
James Cook
James Cook, more commonly referred to as Captain Cook, was an English sailor and pirate who was stealing gold and silver from the Spanish ships, and was delivering it to the queen. Captain Cook is one of the most famous English sailors, and he became legendary because of his actions. While his achievements in the sailing have largely remained behind the curtains because of his piracy, they were many. His piracy was what made him famous though, causing enormous damage to the Spanish, stealing enormous amounts of wealth from them, sinking their ships, and strengthening the English crown in meantime.
Im pretty sure albert einstein was the one who sent word of the newfound energy source to franklin D. Roosevelt.
It houses religious artifacts