I think its ADP because it breaks off the third phosphate.
The immune system protects the host from pathogenic organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites). To deal with this array of threats, the immune system has evolved to include a myriad of specialised cell types, communicating molecules and functional responses.
A person who receives a gene for sickle cell disease from one parent and a normal gene from the other has a condition called "sickle cell trait." Sickle cell trait produces no symptoms or problems for most people. Sickle cell disease can neither be contracted nor passed on to another person.
Restriction enzymes (endonucleases) are used to cut the DNA into fragements.
Restriction enzymes are obatained from bacteria where they are utilized by bacteria for protection against viruses. Restriction enzymes are used in biotechnology research. There are several restriction enzymes and each cut the DNA at specific site known as recognition site which is usually 4-8 neucleotide long. They produce sticky ends (cutting the both DNA strand on different site) and blunt ends (cutting the both DNA strand on same site) on DNA fragments.