I liked reading the narrative more, because I think it gives a clearer picture of what Anne was really thinking while she was in hiding. It was fun to see what hiding was like from Anne's perspective rather than from a director and actors on a stage.
You may be asking about the different between central and peripheral route. The distinction between the central and peripheral routes is that they are the central and peripheral routes to persuasion, respectively. The central route to persuasion happens when a person is convinced by the message's content. When a person is convinced by anything other than the message's content, this is known as a peripheral route to persuasion.
Peripheral Route Processing (also known as Peripheral Route To Persuasion) happens when someone assesses a communication, like as an advertising, based on physical beauty, background music, or other surface-level features rather of the message's real substance.
When message interpretation is characterized by careful analysis of the concerns and arguments used to persuade, central route processing occurs. The reasoning influences people's decisions in central route processing.
Learn more about peripheral route and central route here <u></u>
trans- WORD ORIGIN. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin (transcend; transfix); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin: transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.
Can you at least post the picture so i can see
I think it's humorous
The reason why is because the speaker is basically making fun of himself in the poem. I was confused at first between determined an that, but in the end I decided on D) because more humor was in the poem.