The bicameral system is a system in which the Parliament is divided into two chambers. The two chambers are usually organized in a manner of lower and upper dome. The two chambers work separately from each other, but are dependent on each other, as one of them can not pass a law without the permission of the other. This type of system is implemented so that there can never be a situation where one political side can have too much power and to be able to function independently, thus abuse the system. The bicameral system is an excellent system to protect the people and their interests.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded at the end of the United States Civil War to repress the rights and freedoms of African Americans. Even after 150 years, it is still an active, domestic terrorist organization.
- Monsieur Ernest Defarge
- The knitting of Madame Defarge, wife of Monsieur Ernest Defarge
- The record is kept secret, because knitting is something common that does not arouse suspicion.
The question above shows an excerpt from "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. The excerpt is presented by Monsieur Ernest Defarge. He is talking about a record that is kept secret. This record is the knitting of his wife Madame Defarge, who knits information in code form about the people she and her husband want to kill, for some reason. Nobody is suspicious of this record, because knitting was something very common to be done by women at the time, besides, it was impossible for anyone to be able to unveil the code contained in the knitted piece.
The reason why people, specifically Puritans, left England to go to America in the 1600s was because of religious persecution of their belief, their belief being the simplified version of the religion hosted by the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth.