Wealthy leaders beliefs about the consequences of wrongdoing.
The Navajo are known for weaving carpets and blankets. They first learned how to weave cotton from the people of Pueblo. When they started to keep sheep, they switched to wool. These blankets were valuable and only wealthy leaders could afford them.
They suffered attacks from their neighbors and surrendered the prisoners. They occasionally formed convenient alliances with their enemies and wage wars for a common purpose. They signed a fake treaty with European-American settlers and participated in a campaign against former Native American allies.
The Navajo were nomads who were constantly seeking nutrition. The Navajo ruled the people of Pueblo, New Mexico, and learned agriculture, weaving, and various crafts from them. Bandits have been the cornerstone of the Navajo economy for decades.
Learn more about Navajos at
The poem "Ode to Autumn", written by John Keats in 1819, reflects the theme of growth and maturation in the following lines:
"(...) And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft the red-breast whistles from a garden-croft; (...) "
In this poem the author wrote about the Autumn's cycle and the life's cycle, using the last prhases of the poem as the declining of the Autumn' season and the ineluctable end of the life. That is the main reason to write about full-grown lambs and the signing of the hedge-crickets, because when winter is coming the harvest is ended and animals have migrated, so the sounds of the animals mentioned in those lines are recovered only when spring comes.
The end of Autumn then, represent the idea of the declining in the life cycle.
The fine line between love and hate.
Hope this helps.
Newt, Minho, Gally, Teresa, Fry pan, Alby, Zart, Thomas, Jeff, Chuck, WInston, and Ben
A heroine is a female hero