parallelism to create rhythm
There is no imagery (Words that create a vivid image in your head), onomatopoeia (words that infer sounds [boom, wham, shhhhh etc.] ) or Alliteration (repetition of words that begin with the same letters [peter piper picked a pepper] ) being used or said. We can only infer that it is parallelism to create rhythm
"the harsh restrictions provoked anger and outrage in the public," is an independent clause. An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence and does not need any other parts.
"During the long winter" is an adverbial clause, which means it is describing how something is before the sentence. It could be more closely compared to a dependent clause because it cannot act alone in a sentence.
She’s sad about something else. Gats by is angry.
Sorry i didnt read the book so yea can you link it
You’re answer would be C.