Banned Chinese in the United States from becoming naturalized citizens.
The Chinese Exclusion Act was a law signed in 1882 by President Chester A. Arthur, and it was about suspending immigration from a specific country. In this case, the law prohibited Chinese labourers from entering the United States. This law was set as the first one that limited entrance to The U.S.A and it changed its image of a welcoming country to one of gatekeeping one.
In the early 19th century, the ruling political party was the Democratic-Republicans. They selected their candidate through a vote of their members in Congress. This system let them control the White House for 20 years. Then the rivalry of John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.divided the Democratic-Republicans into two after the 1824 elections and became Democrats and Whigs.
El 24 de octubre de 1929 tuvo lugar en Nueva York el desplome bursátil
más grave de la historia. El “Jueves Negro” marcó el comienzo de la
crisis económica mundial. Hubo una ola de quiebras bancarias y una
retirada precipitada de créditos estadounidenses a Europa. En los países
se hundió la economía y al cabo de pocos años la tasa
de desempleo alcanzó el 25 por ciento.
They both have a type of republic for their government