An attribution is <u>the way where by we link up behavior of a person to the cause of that behavior.</u> .The type of attribution based on personal characteristics is called a <u>INTERNA</u><u>L</u> attribution while an attribution based on the situation is called an <u>EXTERNAL</u> attribution.
Attribution has to do with the inferences individuals make about a particular behavior and the causes. Making attributions enable one to have more meaning about the experience that has occurred.
INTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: is the type of attribution that is based on whether the individual behavior is as a result of the personal factors of the person. Such factors can include traits, personality or effort.
EXTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: that the behavior of a person is as result of external factors that are foreign to the individual who perform the act.
D - unjustifiable attitude; negative behavior. Prejudice is an unjustifiable attitude and discrimination a negative behavior.
Prejudice involves inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions held by an individual of another individual. Discrimination refers to behaviors directed against a certain individual against another group. It Prejudice means to have preconceived beliefes about a person, a group, an activity, etc, whilst discrimination, could be said, is taking the prejudice forward and act according to it.
Your personality is determined y the way you are raised and the people that are around you. Whatever you are around mixed with your genetics will determine your personality
Exposure of the bananas to the apple (and its ethylene) instigated their ripening.
A truck driver is transporting a load of unripe bananas in an airtight vehicle and decides to stop and eat an apple after checking on his cargo. He opens the back of his truck and, while walking around the unripe bananas, he decides the apple is overripe and drops it in the truck. When the bananas are finally delivered days later, he is surprised to find that all of his bananas have ripened. This is because the EXPOSURE OF THE BANANAS TO THE APPLE (AND ITS ETHYLENE) INSTIGATED THEIR RIPENING