A certificate of confidentiality (COC) issued by either national health institute or food or drug administration. The investigator can apply for both the authority. It protects from identifiable research information from forced disclosure. When an investigator gets a certificate on COC then he can refuse to disclose identifying information on research participants in front of civil, criminal, legislative, state or federal. COC can be applied for both NIH or FDA. FDA is related to the research investigation about the drugs and NIH is an investigation about the mental health and issues. COC importance depends on the sensitivity of the research project whether it disclose or not in front of another authorized figure.
For example, genetic information cannot disclose in front of others.
Henry McNeal Turner was a Bishop, an author, editor, human right advocate and fervent proponent of the "Back to Africa Movement". He held series of political offices in Georgia and also established churches for the African Methodist Episcopal.