Despite his contributions to the antislavery cause, Brown did not emerge as a figure of major significance until 1855 after he followed five of his sons to the Kansas territory. There, he became the leader of antislavery guerillas and fought a proslavery attack against the antislavery town of Lawrence.
This allowed the chiefs to not meet and form alliances against him. Meanwhile, he continued to invade the desired territories.
by separating the properties of the Chiefs, Kamehameha prevented them from uniting, forming alliances and managing to prevent him from achieving his goals. This was an insightful strategy, which managed in an exemplary way to reduce the risks of defeat for Kamehameha, in addition to stimulating his advance within the desired territories.
The Greensboro Sit-In was a critical turning point in black history and American history, bringing the fight for civil rights to the national stage. Its use of nonviolence inspired the Freedom Riders and others to take up the cause of integration in the South, furthering the cause of equal rights in the United States.
Before the invention of the cotton gin only long thread cotton could be profitably grown. The long thread cotton could only be grown in a limited geographic locations.
The cotton gin allowed short thread varieties of cotton to be profitably grown throughout the south. This increase in cotton production lead to the expression that cotton is king. The southern plantation owners became rich. The economy of the south became depended on cotton.
In the north the availability of large amounts of now relatively cheap cotton made textile mills a possibility in the north. These textile mills utilizing cotton from the south were the foundation of the industrialization of the north, providing great wealth and attracting immigrants from Europe.
The cotton gin changed the economy of the south to a mainly agriculture economy based on cotton and slavery.
The cotton gin changed the economy of the north to a mainly industrial factory based economy requiring educated workers from European nations.
The southern economy wanted low import duties to purchase manufactured goods with their agricultural products.
The northern economy wanted high import duties to protect their new industries from European competition
B , Without the faith if people there wouldnt have been a mandate of heaven it wouldve been just some random chinese dude saying he had the right to rule so the more people took the principle seriously the more power it had to influence , and thats how we ended up with the mandate