Kwana is a time of ingathering of the people to reaffirm the bonds between them
Sunnah is an action that was performed by our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w , and hadith is the where sunnah is written for us to read, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w life is perfect example for us we all must follow his teachings, his way of livings thats sunnah.
Canada's role in the Afghanistan War began in late 2001. Canada sent its first element of soldiers secretly in October 2001 from Joint Task Force 2, and the first contingents of regular Canadian troops arrived in Afghanistan in January–February 2002. Canada took on a larger role starting in 2006 after the Canadian troops were redeployed to Kandahar province. 2,500 Canadian Forces (CF) personnel were in Afghanistan and 1,200 made up the combat battle group. At the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago, Prime Minister Step…
<em>The items located are:</em>
Barro verde de Oaxaca, It is a type of Mexican crafts
La urna con sus cenizas, Frida died of a pulmonary embolism in 1954.
Los aparatos ortopédicos,the painter had problems that affected her physically
Vidrio soplado, it's a kind of art
Artesanía de Metepec, It is a town in the state of Mexico