In a general sense, it was because of the oppression that Britain had put over the colonies that led to the Declaration of Independence. Some of the many factors included tax impositions, the Boston Massacre, Coercive Acts, and Common Sense by Thomas Paine.
Moreover, the declaration was written by a committee of five including Thomas Jefferson (primary author), John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston and ratified on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia.
1st question:B
southern colonies relied on slave labor
2nd question: Barbados
The main difference is which part of Europe they came from, and the numbers of immigrants. There were many, many more "New Immigrants'" than old, 20 million people between 1880 - 1920. And the New Immigrants came mostly from southern and Eastern Europe, which meant they were almost all Catholics.
The main problem the colonists were facing was the taxation without representation. they thought that the parliament had no say for them no rules no rights for the colonists so Washington said that it is necessary to have a say in parliament in order to pay the taxes
The earliest forms of civilizations were said to be located on the three river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates River in ancient Mesopotamia, the Nile River in ancient Egypt and the Huang He and Indus River in ancient India and China. These three river valley civilizations had many differences yet still lived common life styles. Although the civilizations are located on different continents, they share similar social, political, and economic beliefs from their intellectual developments to types of government to religious beliefs and trading systems. When the civilizations were first invented, there was a lot of chaos and confusion. This led to the invention of the different forms of writing
Thank me & mark as brainliest,
Sincerely Lauralit1,