Answer and Explanation:
Parliament, outraged by the Boston Tea Party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property, enacted the Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, in 1774. The Coercive Acts closed Boston to merchant shipping, established formal British military rule in Massachusetts, made British officials immune to criminal prosecution in America, and required colonists to quarter British troops. The colonists subsequently called the first Continental Congress to consider a united American resistance to the British. on July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence. Five years later, in October 1781, British General Charles Lord Cornwallis surrendered to American and French forces at Yorktown, Virginia, bringing to an end the last major battle of the Revolution.
The causes of the Cold War were rooted in the failure of the Allies (U.S., Great Britain, U.S.S.R.) to reach common peace agreements with regard to Germany and Poland at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences. ... As a result, the Cold War polarization between the U.S. and the Soviet Union lasted for almost 50 years.
The deprivation of slum life and the continuing fear of NAZI terror made jews resistance very difficult and dangerous. NAZI had begun to practice it racial ideology where other races were looked down upon; the Jews were the primary target for NAZI. Jews were forcefully forced out of their civil jobs hence becoming the second class citizen. Their businesses were destroyed and forcing them into camps and ghettos were life was tough. in ghettos, Nazi sponsored all persecutions and mass murdering of Jews making their resistance almost impossible
In 1779, as a practical solution, Jefferson supported gradual emancipation, training, and colonization of African-American slaves rather than immediate manumission, believing that releasing unprepared persons with no place to go and no means to support themselves would only bring them misfortune. In 1784, Jefferson proposed a federal law banning slavery in the New Territories of the North and South after 1800, which failed to pass Congress by one vote.In his Notes on the State of Virginia, published in 1785, Jefferson expressed a belief that slavery corrupted both masters and slaves alike, and that gradual colonization would be preferable to immediate manumission. In 1794 and 1796, Jefferson freed two male slaves; they had been trained and were qualified to hold employment.Most historians believe that after the death of his wife Martha, Jefferson had a long-term relationship with her half-sister, Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello. jefferson allowed two of Sally Hemings's surviving four children to "escape"; the other two he freed through his will. In 1824, Jefferson proposed a national plan to end slavery by the federal government purchasing African-American slave children for $12.50, raising and training them in occupations of freemen, and sending them to the country of Santo Domingo. In his will, Jefferson also freed three other men.In 1827, the remaining 130 slaves were sold to pay the debts of Jefferson's estate