Samuel named after Israel's last "judge" and a man whose life was filled with conflict, they deal more with Israel's first two kings than with the "prophet" Samuel.
Paleolithic Period or Old Stone Age (30,000 BCE–10,000 BCE)
Mesolithic Period or Middle Stone Age (10,000 BCE–8,000 BCE)
Neolithic Period or New Stone Age (8,000 BCE–3,000 BCE)
In lists of Roman Emperors, Theodosius is far from the most notable. One historian noted that this son of an emperor killed for high treason "veered disconcertingly between opposites—febrile activity and indolent sluggishness, a simple soldierly life and the splendors of the court." But this little-known emperor forever changed the course of Christian history not in one way, but in two. He used his power to officially enforce orthodox Christianity, but ended up placing his power under that of the church, setting a standard for more than a millennium.
A communist country is a country that follows the ideals of communism. Communism comes in 2 forms: Economic and Political. Communist countries tend to use both.
Political Communism says that everyone shall be equal. Everyone will have an equal amount of power to everyone. And in the case of property, the government takes all of it, and distributes it as equally.
Economic Communism has everyone working for the same wages, so there is no poor, middle class, or rich. There is a set wage for everyone. The garbage man makes the same amount as the doctor, who makes as much as the fast food worker, who makes as much as the psychiatrist.