The goods were then to be inspected and taxed. This meant that the English colonies could only receive European goods via England. The 1660 and 1663 Navigation Acts increased the cost, and shipping time, for the colonies.
The different factors that contributed to Persia's major success as an influential empire were transportation, coordination, and their tolerance policy. Persia being accepted by those that they ruled is one of the reasons why it became successful because there weren't many rebellions during the Persian rule.
I think the correct phrase for the answer is, dissolve the political bands. It was the political bands that tie the American people as a British colony. Thomas Jefferson clearly states the bond between the states that prohibits them from their freedom.
During the high Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church became organized into an elaborate hierarchy with the pope as the head in western Europe. He established supreme power.
Hercules was gifted with amazing strength and it caused problems that he had to deal with. He had to overcome the obstacles and the chance that he may hurt someone and be punished because he couldn't control his strength. Allusions to Hercules: In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince Hamelt compares himself to Hercules.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), a German-born American mathematician, serves as a literary allusion to intelligence. Einstein formulated the theory of relativity, and was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. He is often considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Many movie producers over the years have taken advantage of the literary allusion that comes out of the name Einstein. For example, in the movie The Observer (1998), they say, “It’s a neat theory, but you don’t have to be Einstein to spot some serious flaws” (qtd. in Delahunty, Dignen, and Stock 216). What this movie line is implying is that a person does not have to be a comprehensive genius like Einstein to realize that there is something wrong with their theory. A lot of people compare their intelligence to Einstein’s, Einstein’s being the most intelligent.