Crop loss from fungus can be solved by study of biology.
It is predation. How?
What do you think will happen if the fox catches the rabbit.
The fox will eat it.
Thus, predator-prey relationship; the fox gets full, and the bunny, well, it's not so good.
Option (d).
DNA is the genetic material of all the organism except some viruses. DNA is composed of nitrogenous base, deoxyribose pentose sugar and the phosphate group.
DNA replicatese by semi-conservative mode of replication in which one the daughter DNA consists of one newly synthesized strand and one parental strand. This mode of replication was explained by Messelson and Sthal experiment. The cells from 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium the band of intermediate density was observed. The daughter DNA consists of one 15N DNA strand and one 14N DNA strnd. This strand undergo replication in the 14N medium. This time one low density DNA band ( contains 14N - 14N DNA strand) and one intermediate density band ( 14N-15N DNA).
Thus, the correct answer is option (d).
Okay. The destruction of tundra vegetation will not really freeze the soil or deepen the active zone much. Therefore, A and C are eliminated. The destruction of the vegetation can actually melt permafrost, which contributes to global warming. The answer is D.