European Imperialism was a period of colonial expansion. It is the most important cause of WW1 because it built tension between the countries. It caused Tension between Nations and Countries. Was a cause of WW1 by separating from where they stand to form another empire away from their old empire, to avoid dictatorship.
A statesman of ancient Greece, who tried to unite the country under the leadership of his own city, Athens.
The incident in which Hamlet gets off the ship to England plays an important role in changing the entire plot. As he was being "escorted" to England by Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, he switches the letter that the King had given with the one he writes. The original message that the King had wanted to pass on contained an order to kill Hamlet in England. However, Hamlet switches the letter with a new one which orders for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to be executed.
After this, a pirate ship attacks the ship that Hamlet was on. We are not given much detail on such an occurrence but we find out that Hamlet got onto the pirate's ship as the pirates were attacking the ship that was supposed to take Hamlet to England.
Shakespeare does this in order to bring Hamlet back to Denmark and resume the plot. Although, the literary merit behind such a plot manipulation is widely debated as being either acceptable or flagrantly unacceptable.
The cold war<span> had a great effect </span>on<span> the government policies toward the African Americans. First, the African American children went to school and were given opportunities to study. Second, some children were investigated and interrogated for possible influence or having communist empathy</span>
Internal terrorism and external terrorism both pose a great threat, but terrorism carried out by the United State's own citizens can be much more harmful in the long run. My favorite quote about this is nerdy, but it's from Captain America: Civil War and is stated by the true antagonist of the movie, "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever." We as a people can rally against an outside threat and rise from whatever they may do to us, but we become exponentially weaker if we must rally against those within our own borders. That's just kinda my opinion.