Susanna Heisse.
Susanna Heisse fue la primera persona a la que se le ocurrió la idea y produjo eco-ladrillos para reciclar el plástico en un material útil. Susanna Heisse se horrorizó al ver el nivel de desechos plásticos alrededor del lago Atitlán en Guatemala. Entonces ella creó la idea de EcoBrick. Ella construyó una pared de ladrillos que se producen a partir de una botella de plástico, que se convirtió en una inspiración para personas de todo el mundo. Organizaciones ecológicas, empresas de materiales de construcción y mobiliario que trabajan con Ecobrick.
Three causes for the emergence of large cities in China during the early 20th Century were:
1. Stopping foreign trade
2. Raise of industries and commerce
3. Development of an intellectual class
A recession refers to the moment when there is a slow economic activity and people are not buying things and they are losing their jobs or they highly indebted. During this periods of time, the government usually tries to weather the recession by offering more job opportunities, decreasing taxes and spending more money in public funding. Thus, the right choice is option D. pass a law stating that Californians no longer have to pay federal income taxes.
Describe communities in the West around 1860. In 1860 the nation still consisted of small, isolated communities. Most of the west was territorial land with each territory wanting the railroad to pass through their territory.
Easy defeat of foreign invaders is obviously positive, so it couldn’t be a factor that would topple an empire. Security is good.