because of his "valor and brilliant services" during the battel of flamborouph head
I believe the 2 and 5 and maybe the last one :)
I studied this
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty made following the events of the First World War. The Treaty was made to determine what should become of Germany after the War, as one of the conditions of the Treaty was that Germany was to take full blame for causing the war, and all the damage done during it.
The abolitionist movement and the underground railroad increased tensions between the North and South because they highlighted the problem of slavery while fighting against it directly. Southern states felt attacked by these movements.
Slavery was an important feature of Souther identity. Because of their strong defense of slavery they felt personally attacked by any critics of the slavery system.
Thus as the abolitionist movement and the underground railroad gained momentum these questions got more intense. In the South the hate for abolitionism got to the point where censorship was overt: abolitionism was illegal and president Andrew Jackson prohibited the postal service from delivering abolitionist publications to the South.
These tensions were not resolved and would lead to the Civil War.
Blues was a major influence on early jazz style and composition. The blues style involved playing blue notes (minor keys/pentatonic blues scale) and also joining notes through melismatic (sliding) runs, both of which were hallmarks of many early jazz melodies and solos.