The framers of the constitution intended that the Congress would play a major part in the American democracy. They left the president’s power without many boundaries, counting on check and balances as a power to hold the presidency. The framers of the constitution didn’t want the president to be a slave of the Congress, this is the reason probably the framers would be in favor of the presidency’s expanded powers, they wanted a balance between a free man who is stronger than governors but not as free as a monarch.
By January 1776, the American colonies were in open rebellion against Britain. Their soldiers had captured Fort Ticonderoga, besieged Boston, fortified New York City, and invaded Canada. Yet few dared voice what most knew was true — they were no longer fighting for their rights as British subjects. They weren’t fighting for self-defense, or protection of their property, or to force Britain to the negotiating table. They were fighting for independence. It took a hard jolt to move Americans from professed loyalty to declared rebellion, and it came in large part from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Not a dumbed-down rant for the masses, as often described, Common Sense is a masterful piece of argument and rhetoric that proved the power of words. Thomas Paine was a firebrand, and his most influential essay — Common Sense — was a fevered no-holds-barred call for independence. He is credited with turning the tide of public opinion at a crucial juncture, convincing many Americans that war for independence was the only option to take, and they had to take it now, or else.Thomas Paine’s Common Sense appeared as a pamphlet for sale in Philadelphia on January 10, 1776, and, as we say today, it went viral. The first printing sold out in two weeks and over 150,000 copies were sold throughout America and Europe. It is estimated that one fifth of Americans read the pamphlet or heard it read aloud in public. General Washington ordered it read to his troops. Within weeks, it seemed, reconciliation with Britain had gone from an honorable goal to a cowardly betrayal, while independence became the rallying cry of united Patriots
Explanation: :)
Las locomotoras, las industrias, y todos los avances tecnológicos que tuvieron lugar a inicios del siglo XX sin duda facilitaron la vida de los seres humanos. Esto es así porque fueron el puntapié inicial que dio origen a la globalización, De esta manera, rompieron con el aislamiento entre las distintas naciones, formando mercados internacionales, redes de transporte y comunicación masivas, y colaborando con el progreso de la salud y el bienestar de los seres humanos a través del desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos, alimentos y otros insumos.
The Monroe Doctrine was drafted because the U.S. government was worried that European powers would encroach on the U.S. sphere of influence by carving out colonial territories in the Americas.
(google answer)
please don't :(
It was a protection over the Western Hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine was basically a foreign policy that couldn't have been sustained in 1823
I really hope this clears everything out.
THe answer to the first question is the first answer
The answer to the second question is the thrid answer