I would have to say lack of sanitary codes because disease is easily spread and port hygiene can lead to infections causing sickness and/or death
Roosevelt believed that the United States had a duty to uphold a balance of power in international relations and seek to reduce tensions among the great powers. He was also adamant in upholding the Monroe Doctrine, the American policy of opposing European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.
The confederacy was divided
The new morality supporters
value the personal freedom the most and this movement influenced numerous
aspects of the American society. The new morality also glorified youth, and it
was the rise of the automobile that helped the youth of the nation to find a
means to its independence.
According to the Second Amendment, all US citzens were allowed to bear and keep arms. It is not clear whether that provided the right to individual self-defense or to state militias.
The Second Amendment of the Constitution that was adopted in 1791 was meant to provide a check on congressional power and the federal government under Article I Section 8. This is the section of the Amendment that addresses the rights of the individual to organize, arm and discipline the federal militia. This amendment is controversial in modern society today because some people interpret it as the Constitutional defense for an individual to bear arms. It is an important part of the controversy over gun control in the United States.
There is some disagreement about the extent to which this right was applicable because the Second Amendment reads "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." There are therefore some who say that the right to bear arms is only in the context of militias needed to defend the rights of the state.