The correct answer is
A) Dora Rinehart earned the title of “America’s Greatest Cyclienne” in the western part of the United States.
Dickens presents Scrooge's character in this extract as stubborn, selfish and rude. He wishes nothing to do with the two gentlemen and wishes “to be left alone.” Scrooge is also shown to be self-centred. He believes that the poor do not need or deserve to be helped by being given comfort and food.
The best thing for Robio to do is to include an audio clip of an interview with a doctor who recommends swimming as an excellent exercise. Since the presentation is geared towards gaining the approval of the parents and teachers; including a video clip for an authoritative figure who recommends the exercise will go a long way in helping him to get positive decisions from the parents and teachers.
Odysseus is nothing like the different creatures he meets