A-10......C-he didn't notice that a domino has number that will equal 49 in multiplication but will not add up to be if its less than 4 dominos
Answer: a
Step-by-step explanation: look at the chart
Well when ever you're doing order of operations you always use please excuse my dear aunt sally please means parentheses ALWAYS GO FIRST Excuse means experience which if there's no parentheses exponents go first to my name is multiplication after parentheses multiplication always go first if there's no parentheses dear means division after multiplication comes division on means addition but pretty much after the multiplication parentheses and the division you complete the rest of the problem using the left to right method now the answer to this problem is
18 * 5 = 90
90 represents 100%, because there are 5 20% in 100%
In total there are 90 club members
80% = 71 do not have birthdays in the summer.