longitude and latitude grids mark the globe for points of reference to the foot in degrees. then the globe is divided with alphabetical letters starting with a in greenwhich or 0000hours then moves around the globe from the 0 hour to the right until it reaches one hour before itself itself 2400 later so each zone is assigned a letter of the alphabet a-b-c and the hour is in conjunction with the letter so a=0 b=1 c=2 and so on until x is 2400
Might include the Francophones of Canada ,the Amish religious enclaves of south-central Pennsylvania, Russia, and Middle East
The abyssal plains of the eastern Atlantic Ocean stretch from the continental shelf to the base of the mid-ocean ridge.
The others are false
Answer: Mining and quarrying can be very destructive to the environment. They have a direct impact on the countryside by leaving pits and heaps of waste material. The extraction processes can also contaminate air and water with sulfur dioxide and other pollutants, putting wildlife and local populations at risk.