Although you didn’t give a set of symptoms, I tell you some short term effects of marijuana.
•memory issues
• psychosis
•increase risk of stroke and heart attack
Very open ended question here. It’s yes and no. There are autoimmune diseases that can manifest which you have no control over that can result in muscle wasting. So that being said no your behaviours will not always result in the avoidance of disease. When it comes to injuries, your behaviours can influence it. For example, by choosing to exercise you are increasing risk of injury acutely but also reducing risk of injury chronically. The aim is to get stronger for the long run while jeopardizing yourself through the process.
Cardio metabolic diseases tend to have a number of risk factors in common. Cardio metabolic risk factors include at minimum abdominal obesity waist line 40 inches or more in men, 35 inches or more and woman high fasting TRIGLYCERIDES low good HDL cholesterol and elevated blood pressure. Hope this helps.
The correct answer is iodine