Ductus Arteriosus is a blood vessel normally present in fetuses during development. The blood vessel is designed to bypass the pulmonary artery and brings blood to the Descending Aorta, as the fetus cannot breath through the lung (being as they are fluid filled). This is normally not a problem because oxygenated blood comes from the mother's blood supply.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus, is what happens when that vessel does not close. While not as dangerous as other congenital defects. However, because there is still a bypass, blood that normally need to be oxygenated by going through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, can be diverted and placed into the blood stream without vital oxygen. This condition may eventually lead to CHF (congestive Heart Failure) and Pulmonary Hypertension if not treated.
The heart is a hollow cone shaped muscular pump within the thoracic cavity
Competitiveness between species will increase
When there is less resources available to a species that means no every animal can survive so the species will have to compete for survival
Hope this helps :)
There are two oxygen atoms. The OH is in parentheses with the 2 after it to indicate that there are two OH molecules, each containing on atom of oxygen.