I'm pretty sure the answer is it goes to the Senate
The fall of all communist countries
The Berlin Wall was a physical border set in the city of Berlin which was dividing the communist and democratic part of it. The people were not able to communicate, move between the two sides, or even see each other. The wall was set by the Soviets, and it represented very well how their politics was. When this wall finally was taken down after three decades, it meant that Germany was united again, and that the communism came to an end in the country. The symbolism of the fall of the Berlin Wall though is much wider, and it not only symbolizes the end of communism in Germany, but across most of the world, as it coincided with the period when the Soviet Union was falling apart and numerous countries got independent, free to make their own decisions, and become democratic societies.
Answer: Judaism
The covenant that YAHWEH made with Abraham was a unilateral (one-sided) promise. Apart from anything Abraham did, God was promising that he was going to bring about a great nation from Abraham's offspring, and that the nation descended from him would possess the land of Canaan. The descendants of Abraham are the Jewish people, and Canaan became known as their land, Israel. (Israel was a name God gave to Abraham's grandson, Jacob, that then became the name of his descendant people.)
God also included the promise of a Messiah in the covenant with Abraham, saying, "Through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed" (Genesis 22:18).
See Genesis chapter 17 and also Genesis 22:15-18 for the Bible's account of these covenant promises.
Once again, Marbury vs. Madison.