The autonomic nervous system releases chemical messengers to influence its target organs
The genotype describes the complete set of genes inherited by an individual, and the phenotype describes all aspects of the individual's morphology, physiology, behavior, and ecological relations. Light, water, temperature, soil structure are the environmental factors which influence the plant phenotype most. The growth is a very sensitive phenotypic trait that quickly responds to any sub-optimal environment. However, many more physiological responses occur that turn out in phenotypes that can be measured with non-invasive technology.
DNA is a chain of nucleotides bonded together. On that chain there are particular portions of it that the sequence of the nucleotide codes for particular proteins; this is known as a gene. In eukaryotric cells, DNA is coiled around proteins such as histones to form chromatids which when two join at the centre by a centromere to form a chromosome.
Our water resources face a host of serious threats, all of which are caused primarily by human activity. They include sedimentation, pollution, climate change, deforestation, landscape changes, and urban growth.