Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
This was the British Empire, who dominated the Suez Canal and owned South Africa as a puppet. The Scramble for Africa heavily influenced the British to gain a dominate position in Africa. The scramble began because of the Berlin Conference of 1884. However, the French originally owned the Suez, but due to poor funding, was eventually sold to the British.
Answer: The current contributions scale, valid for 2019 to 2021, was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2018. The four largest contributors to the United Nations – the US 22% of the UN budget), China (12.005%), Japan (8.564%) and Germany (6.0 together finance some 49% of the entire UN budget.
Deists hold numerous beliefs that Christians do not. One of their beliefs about the universe is that God created a rational universe that can only be understood through reason. They believe once he created the universe he never had another thing to do with it and that the Bible is not from God.