Look at the image......................................................................
What makes the sentence a compound sentence is that it has at least two independent clauses and no dependent clause.
Where two or more independent clauses are contained in a sentence, it is known as a compound sentence. It also includes the use of a comma, semicolon and coordinating conjunctions like "and", "for", but, "nor', "yet", "so".
other examples of a compound sentence are, "I called Mary but she didn't answer her phone", "I winked at her and she smiled back at me", 'the light went off so I turned on the lamp".
The coordinating conjunction in the sentence is NOR.
There are only seven coordinating conjunctions. Remember the terms FAN BOYS in relation to coordinating conjunctions.
F - for
A - and
N - nor
B - but
O - or
Y - yet
S - so
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Giving equal emphasis on two main clauses.
Here are the patterns for using coordinating conjunctions:
1) connecting two main clauses
main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause
2) connecting two items
item + coordinating conjunction + item
3) connecting three or more items in a series
item + item + coordinating conjunction + item
I believe Dante’s universe is orderly in a way that punishment for sins corresponds to the actual sinful act. What these sinners did to other in life,they expected themselves in death. Hope this helps
Death and decay is one of the themes