Convergent oceanic continental
a person with temporary permission to work in another country.
Now, I understand that it may seem like I copied the other person, but, try googling the question
The relationship between the warming of the earth’s northern latitude and ice is a practical example of a positive feedback on the earth system.
A positive feedback is a process that brings about an increase in the process of interaction in the earth activities The warming of the northern latitude which is responsible for generating more heat through sunlight with time, usually results in an increase in the melting of ice bodies in the ocean by movement. This activity is regarded as positive because it is associated with an increase in the process. This process is directly proportional to the exchange activities that takes place and often leads to an equilibrium in the earth system.
B) Materials in Solution is NOT a process of a stream load
Streams must start somewhere. Streams are formed by having
sufficient water supply. The supply comes from rainfall and
underground reservoirs. The area that initiates the stream
supply is called the headwaters. Many times headwaters start
in the high elevations. As the water moves down through the
mountains, the stream’s pathway is formed. As streams evolve, the path of the stream starts to curve. The
curving of a stream channel is known as a meander. As meanders
develop, they become broader and larger. Eventually,
there are enough material deposits to form a blockage of two
meanders. This development causes the formation of an
oxbow lake.
What would happen? The ecosystem would remain stable because the red-tailed hawk would be replaced by increasing populations of elf owls as apex consumers. Food web is the network of different food chains operate in any ecosystem. A food chains consists of producer and different consumers. Apex predators (top carnivores) are top consumers. In a given image of food web of a desert ecosystem, red-tailed hawks are an apex consumer. If red-tailed hawks are removed from the given food web, the populations of elf owls will increase due to unavailable their predator and elf owls will become apex consumers and the ecosystem would remain stable.