My little horse must think it queer. To stop without a ... Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief,. So dawn goes down to day. Nothing ... And looked down one as far as I could ... Fog. CARL SANDBURG. The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Page 2 ...
The answer would be A. It’s the most concise because of the details given within the sentence. The mother, who’s mother? Your mother. Supports the arts. What does she support? The arts. What arts does she support? Literature. It is more detailed than any other sentence listed here.
The correct answer is C: "a repeated grouping of two or more lines in a poem that often share a pattern of rhythm and rhyme."
A stanza is a division of a poem which consists of a series of lines arranged together, forming a unit. Stanzas usually have a fixed length, meter, or rhyming scheme.