Answer: Here our numbers are 1.11, 0.111, 1.01 and 1.001, we want to order them from more to least.
we need to find the biggest number first, let's take 1.11 first, if the difference between this number and all the others is positive, means that 1.11 is bigger than the other numbers.
1.110 - 0.111= 0.999
1.11 - 1.01 = 0.1
1.11 - 1.001 = 0.109
so 1.11 is the biggest number on our set.
The next number is 1.01 (i choose this because i know that is biggest to 0.111, and also i know is bigger than 1.001 because the 1 after the decimal point is closest to the point)
Lets see the differences to be sure:
1.010 - 0.111 = 0.899
1.010 - 1.001 = 0.009
So 1.01 is bigger than the other two numbers.
Now we need the third, and is easy to see that 1.001 is bigger than 0.111.
then the order is: 1.11 , 1.01 . 1.001 . 0.111