Kindly check explanation
The electronic and print media has gained widespread popularity and adoption during the 21st century as its coverage, ease and information laden possibilities a major push towards its ever growing demand and usage. It's advantages are numerous, however, it also comes with certain limitations which are also very devastating.
One of the very major disadvantage posed by the Electronic and print media is the issue of privacy as the rights of people continue to be violated through the acquisition of unauthorized data, posting of unwarranted information about individuals without seeking the consent of such person, with the aid of social media, all this privacy violations could mostly be bypassed and the offender deemed anonymous.
Similarly, there hasn't been a time when the veracity of informations heard deserves thorough analysis and perusal because of the widespread misinformation which has been made possible due to the electronic platforms. This has resulted in a lot of chaos borne out of inauthentic, false and misleading statements made by people on these platforms.
The inability of platform regulators to adequately censor postband information has been a huge challenge posed by the electronic and print media technology which has in no small amount treaspased and violated human right laws.
To simplify paragraphs you can:
-reword phrases or pieces of a sentence that seem to be too wordy
-write it in your own words
-shorten your sentences
-remove words that make the phrases more confusing, or that seem unlikely to be useful
-use keywords that can bring your point across with just a few sentences
-avoid repeating yourself
-reread to see if the paragraph makes sense, and if not, replace the words or remove them altogether
-keep things short
He wants to use<span> them to make a play reenacting the murder of King </span><span>Hamlet
Hamlet wanted the visiting actors to act out the event of his father's death. He wanted to see how Claudius will react. He also wanted Claudius to remember his crime and be bothered by his conscience.
Consummate Love
Being consummate means to have a sexual desire for one another, and since Tiara has a strong sexual desire for Evan, she seems to show a consummate feeling for him at this early stage. It is most common to feel like this in at the beginning or early middle part of a relationship for people are are still in school most commonly in late teenagers.