The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance
There was six articles and the terms lasted 30 years in force.
Russia entered World War One on the side of the Allies against the coalition of Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) in 1914. The Russian army performed very badly during the war, suffering several defeats, numerous casualties and losses. There were also famine and production shortages in the country in those convulse years. The people were desperate and very angry with the tsarist government. TheTsar was forced to abdicate in February 1917, a moderate government took place. In November 1917, the Bolsheviks organized a succesful revolt and took power. Causes? Military distaster, food scarcity and famine, political and social chaos, weakness of the central authorities; all those factores contributed to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Bananas, Barley, Carnations, Oranges, and Peaches
The tariffs are a form of taxation for foreign products. The main reason behind the tariffs is to protect the home producers from foreign competition, thus protect the home economy. On the other side, the quota is not something that is falling under the taxation, but it is actually a limitation, and that can go for any product. The quota limits the amount of products that can be imported from a certain country, that can be food, machines, movies, clothes etc. A nice example of this is China, where the country has quota on US produced movies, with only 24 movies allowed to be shown in the country per year.