La Segunda Guerra Mundial terminó con la rendición incondicional de los poderes del Eje. El 8 de mayo de 1945, los Aliados aceptaron la rendición de Alemania, aproximadamente una semana después de que Adolf Hitler se hubiera suicidado. VE Day - Victoria en Europa celebra el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 8 de mayo de 1945
The Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.
The Tang Dynasty of China was notable for returning civil-service exams to use and creating the following type of society based on ability rather than birthrights:
- The type of society it created was a society based on merit.
- Yes, a society based on personal merit, knowledge, and progress, instead of birthrights.
- In Imperial China times, Civil Service Examinations were a requirement to choose the appropriate candidate to occupy an office in the government.
- During the Teng Dynasty, the government changed its military approach to a more type of bureaucratic system.
- This new system was run by Chinese civilians that had the knowledge and credentials to occupy these positions.
We conclude that one consequence of the civil service examination system used by the Tang dynasty was that Chinese government officials were selected based on their skills and abilities rather than their family history.
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The answer to your question is C
The first of three Reconstruction Amendments after the Civil War; it was passed in 1865 in order to permanently and irreversibly ban and forbid slavery in the territory of the United States except when used to punish a criminal offense irrespective of the offender’s race.
It applies to the actions of private citizens and is currently used to forbid and prevent sex-trafficking and/or any kind of slavery or indentured servitude.