Shinzo Abe: Japan
Chiang Kai-shek: China
Kim Jong Un: North Korea
Park Geun-hye: South Korea
Mao Zedong: Taiwan
The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and The People's Republic of China with Mao Zedong
It's on Britannica
The correct answers are:
Planet A 16 hours - Inner planet.
Planet B 1,408 hours - Outer planet.
The inner planets are the ones that are much closer to the sun, thus they have much smaller orbits around it and it takes them much less time to circle around it. Also, these planets are much smaller, which enables them to spin around their axis much quicker too, so one day passes much quicker.
The outer planets are the total opposite. They are much further from the sun, so for them to be able to make a single circle around the sun it takes much more time, and also, because they are much bigger, it takes them much more time to spin around their own axis, thus making one day much longer than the days of the inner planets.