1. The phases of the moon are caused due to the earth's rotations on its axis and the moon rotation around the earth in its elliptical orbit. Certain phases f the moon are caused due to the sun and moon positions about that of the earth on the full moon, new moon and half-moon days. Most of the time we see the same face of the moon.
2. Planet venus show similar properties to that of the moon as both the moon and venus have are made up of same gem material like earth and being a terrestrial planet the venus and both revolve on in the same opposite direction of the earth thus earth sees the same phase of the venus as in the moon.
3. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the rays id sun and a ring-shaped formations take place when the earth comes in way of the or between the moon and sun the shadows of the earth fall on the moon and hence lunar eclipse takes place.
4. The north star also called the Polaris star seems to change its position for the southern hemisphere, but as for the northern hemisphere, it remains the same as being the north star the equatorial belt the star remains or shows the same side. Due to the rotation and axial tilt of the earth.
5. The cause of sunrise and sunset is mainly due to the sun and the earth's movement around the horizon in the opposite direction and there is 12 hours gap.
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One reason is that the plates float on a hot boiling mentle. when the heat rises and the mentle expands the plates above it also moves. the other reason is that the plates themselves move.plates have warmer inner sides that tend to rise. and colder outer side that tends to sink. this tug of war between the hotter and colder sides of the plate also helps them move.