Thomas Jefferson
Wilson admired Jefferson's stamce on helping small farmers- or the agrarian lifestyle. Wilson, along with Jefferson, wanted more of a imited government. Hope this helps!
National Military Establishment<span> (NME)</span>
Third Round Table Conference
So to solve the problem in 1932, the final round of discussion started. Lord Irwin was replaced by Lord Wellington who was not ready to listen to the people and wanted everyone to follow whatever he says. Jinnah was not even invited. Before the conference Ramsay McDonald announced the Communal Award which was surely a huge mistake in its own. It declared Muslim majority in Hindu majority areas while Muslim minority in Muslim majority areas.
The Congress clearly was outraged and boycotted it. the Muslims however were weak and at least it was giving them something so they accepted.These reasons were behind its failure
The post-traumatic disorder that soldiers acquired prevented them from achieving a normal life because the slightest stimulus could lead them to terrible memories about the crash causing collapses and nervous crises at any time.
The post-traumatic upheaval that the ex-soldiers who fought in the first world war acquired prevented them from being able to return to a normal life due to the constant breakdowns that the simplest of social elements caused in them. The traumas they went through during the war, made them see flashbacks that caused strong paranoia and prevented them from living in a family, social and even professional environment, as they had terrifying nervous crises and that left them completely out of their minds.