Don't limit yourself, aspire to achieve greatness, even if it seems impossible or impractical.
1. Alliteration: A repetition of initial sounds in two or more words of a line of poetry
An alliteration is a literaty device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound. An example of an alliteration would be "The barbarians broke through the barricade."
2. Caesura: The pause or break in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry.
A caesura is a stop or pause in a metrical linea that creates a break in a verse, splitting it in equal parts.
3. Comitatus: In the Germanic tradition, the relationship between a leader and his warriors, or a king and his lords.
Comitatus is a term mostly used in the Germanic warrior culture to refer to an oath of fealty taken by warriors to their lords.
4. Kenning: A double metaphor, usually hyphenated. Example, "swan-road" for sea.
Kenning comes from Old Norse tradition and it refers to the combination of words to create a new expression with metaphorical meaning.
A gerund is basically a verb that ends in ‘ing’
For example : James loves singing.