food is the answer to your question
I believe the answer is Kettle hill.
George Washington
George Washington was the top army general during the American Revolutionary War. He was a very effective military commander who had proven his worth in the French and Indian Wars, a couple of decades earlier.
George Washington was able to keep his army controlled and well prepared, even in the hardest moments. With time, his strategy proved succesful and he was able to limit British control to New York City, from where the British army would finally depart in 1783.
The amount of energy it takes on peoples labor to physically carry water back to their village and worrying about evaportation in hot weather which makes water transportation party weather dependant.
Looking for a clean source of water in the first place is also a tough one.
During the reparations period, Germany received between 27 and 38 million marks in which the United States, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland served. In addition, a loan of 800 million marks was to be raised (where more than 50 percent was from the United States, 25 percent in Britain and the balance of other European nations) to support the German currency and help in the payment of The repairs.